Wednesday, March 10, 2010

5 things...

Here are 5 things that made me smile today:

1. While at work 2 of the kids were fighting over the same truck. I was watching to see if they could work it out on their own (they weren't hurting each other just pulling it back and forth) when one of them yells out "Teacher we're fighting!"

2. Snuggling on the couch with Poncho :)

3. Free drink at Starbucks (it always seems to taste better if you don't have to pay for it)

4. This photo:

(it's a little hard to give each other a kiss with helmets on)

5. Over hearing the sweet older ladies at the thrift shop talk about how the things in there remind them of when they were little. And how that reminded me of my grandpa. He used to come home with the most random things from the thrift shop.

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