Wednesday, August 29, 2012

a work in progress

Please excuse the dust around here as I work to redesign the blog. If you hadn't noticed I have changed the blog name to name Rust and Glitter (it's also my instagram name). Well the reason is a friend of mine (who shall remain nameless) pointed out to me that my old blog name could also mean something completely inappropriate. SO updating it now!


Anonymous said...

Really?!?! I think your friend is crazy!!!! So, I shall remain nameless too! ;)

orangevity said...

Haha, I never would have thought of that! Do I know this 'nameless' friend!?

Cherie said...

LOL I know! It's been my blog name for years and it never even crossed my mind! My concern was people would be searching for my blog and get have 'other things' pop up!

V - yes you do know them :)